Check out this Exciting Alternate POV & Character Interview...
"Searching for
Moore" by Julie A. Richman
Attended by reality TV star wannabes and Southern
California social climbers, Schooner Moore knows the party his wife is throwing
for his forty-third birthday has little to do with him and everything to do
with her social standing in Orange County. The evening turns out to hold more
surprises than just his wife's Botoxed friends groping at his privates, when a
conversation with his old college roommate, Beau, reveals the biggest surprise
of the night.
Beau has had contact on Facebook with Mia Silver.
Just hearing her name sends Schooner into a tailspin, as he is now just a
Friend Request away from the one who got away when she disappeared without a
goodbye, leaving him wondering why she left.
A serial failure at romance, Manhattan boutique ad
agency owner, Mia, gets a blindside of her own when a Facebook Friend Request
from first love, Schooner, appears in her email. Going with her gut reaction,
Mia hits accept, propelling her past to catch up with her in a New York minute,
as a forceful Schooner is determined to understand what tore them apart and to
explore the possibility of a second chance at love.
From a 1980's Southern California college campus
and a devastating first love to present day New York City, Searching for Moore
explores how technology has eradicated the divide between our past and our
present, and asks whether you would give up everything to reconnect with The
One in a single keystroke?
Julie has given us a special Alternate POV...!!!
Book 1/Chapter 1 - CJ Moore
Beau Gordon was passing by and she reached
out to lay a hand on his sleeve. "Beau, have you seen Schooner?" She
gazed into his eyes, knowing the effect she would have on him, the effect she had
always had on him. Beau had been her
best source of information when they were all in college. Information that she
couldn't get out of Schooner, she would get from Beau, just by standing a
little too close to him, letting his arm graze her breast and staring deeply into
his watery, blue eyes.
"I haven't seen him. Would you like me to go look for him?"
She knit her pretty brows together and
nodded slightly.
Beau rubbed CJ's upper arm, tenderly. "Am on it." He was off with a smile, all too happy to do
her bidding.
CJ's Guests for Schooner's Birthday Party |
Schooner Moore, you have no idea the hell
you will pay when we get home, she vowed to herself as she smiled sweetly and
threaded her arm through her husband's and steered him toward the elegant
fondant-wrapped cake in the shape of his company Level 9 headquarters.
As the crowd sang a hearty Happy Birthday
to the handsome forty-three year old Schooner, CJ leaned into her husband,
kissed his cheek and whispered into his ear, "Don't ruin this night for
Schooner smiled back at her, "I
wouldn't dream of ruining your party,
She smiled back at him, sweetly - but her
eyes were doing anything but smiling, "Happy Birthday, Sweetheart," her endearment dripped
with rancor as she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
CJ MacAllister Moore at LMR Interview Studio May 8th, 2013 |
Hi CJ, thanks for agreeing to my interview today... I hope your accommodations are to your liking.
Well, <shifts in chair and sighs> Schooner and I are
used to staying at Chateau Elan when we come in for Road Atlanta, but this is …
nice. <smiles patronizingly>
(It is the freaking Ritz-Carlton in Buckhead – she’s got to be kidding – the ungrateful Bitch)
So, I thought I'd start by asking what you felt the first time you saw (more like laid your over-privileged, narcissistic eyes on) Schooner Moore?
(It is the freaking Ritz-Carlton in Buckhead – she’s got to be kidding – the ungrateful Bitch)
So, I thought I'd start by asking what you felt the first time you saw (more like laid your over-privileged, narcissistic eyes on) Schooner Moore?
That he was the most handsome guy I’d ever seen and that we
looked like we belonged together, because we did and we do belong together.
(OMG, what am I in for? Could she be THAT delusional? I’ll just keep asking questions and find out)
Did you fantasize that he would some day grow to love you?
Did you fantasize that he would some day grow to love you?
Excuse me? Grow to love me? He was smitten with me from the
moment he laid eyes on me on the first day of our freshman orientation. The only thing that has grown is the depth of
our love. (Oh this is going to be good.
I'm going to mess with this psyco bitch, I bet she could give Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" a run for her money!)
How excited was your mother when she met Schooner? Did you two hatch that staged photo as the first step on your obvious "marry Schooner Moore ladder" plan?
How excited was your mother when she met Schooner? Did you two hatch that staged photo as the first step on your obvious "marry Schooner Moore ladder" plan?
Schooner is very photogenic – as am I and all the members of
my family, which I will remind you became his
family. And yes, my mother loved
Schooner. She could tell that he would
fit right into our family. (I am really suppressing the urge to laugh in her
face. Is that a bad thing?)
Did you know that Schooner was angry with your manipulations? If you did, I have to ask, if you even cared?
Did you know that Schooner was angry with your manipulations? If you did, I have to ask, if you even cared?
I really don’t know what you are referring to. Please be more specific.
Ugh … Mia <rolls her eyes>. Poor little pathetic Mia. Why does everyone feel they need to protect
her? Is it because she’s short? (I am Laughing.
Yes, I know am not supposed to laugh, but I feel like I’m being
punked. Is this woman for real?)
What made you feel threatened by Mia? Was it the pureness of her heart? The clear carefree way she lived & had fun?
What made you feel threatened by Mia? Was it the pureness of her heart? The clear carefree way she lived & had fun?
Mia was a little stoner.
She was a misfit. She left school because she didn’t fit in. It was no wonder she was miserable and wanted
to leave. The girl was a fish out of
water on campus. No sorority would have ever
considered taking her.
Was there ever a time in your life that you actually cared about what Schooner felt?
Was there ever a time in your life that you actually cared about what Schooner felt?
Every single day of my life, Stacy. My world revolves around Schooner and my love
for him. (Ok, That's rich... Now I have officially just entered an alternate universe. I wonder if I need a passport?)
Now wait, don't answer yet, seriously sit back and think if there has EVER been a time that you truly cared about what he felt over your own self-absorbed desires.
(I wonder how long she'd have to think about this for real, I'm sure she'll just gloss over some bullshit answer with her practiced Real Housewives smile)
Now wait, don't answer yet, seriously sit back and think if there has EVER been a time that you truly cared about what he felt over your own self-absorbed desires.
(I wonder how long she'd have to think about this for real, I'm sure she'll just gloss over some bullshit answer with her practiced Real Housewives smile)
<smiles> Stacy, do you have children. (her tone is like
melted sugar. I nod) Then you know what it’s like. I’m a
mama-bear. My family always comes
first. That is why I always put
everyone’s needs before my own.
How does it feel to know that you've never truly held a place in Schooner's heart, I mean, doesn't that sting at least a little? (God I really hope so)
How does it feel to know that you've never truly held a place in Schooner's heart, I mean, doesn't that sting at least a little? (God I really hope so)
You really need to do better research before you interview
someone. Schooner Moore has been my
husband for over 20 yrs.
Ok CJ, you know this is going to appear in print and the
world knows that you are in the midst of one of the highest profile divorces in
the news, so can we get real here and cut the bullshit. This is your chance to really tell your side
of the story.
My side of the story is I am the victim here (thinking I
want whatever she is on!). Mia Silver is
a home wrecker, plain and simple. This
is not the first time she has used some dramatic ploy to get Schooner to notice
Mia & Schooner on Fire Island, NY |
Notice her? He moved
to NY to be with her. They are having a child together.
My point exactly – she’s taken drama to new heights to steal
him and guilt him with her bastard child. And if he thinks for one second that
I will be making Hanukah dinner for that child, he is wrong! (A reporter’s
dream, omg, this lady is the Ultimate BBC – this Bitch Be Cray Cray! Did she
just really say that. You just can’t
make this shit up!).
How do your other children, Holly and Zac feel about their
new sibling?
Half-sibling, Stacy. (Oh boy, did I hit a hot button or what? Score!) Well, Holly is totally brainwashed by her father and will probably be the hostess of the bastard’s baby shower <CJ visibly shudders>. And poor Zac. He is distraught over this. Distraught at how that woman has ruined our family. Zac is very sensitive, you know. (wondering how much longer I can sit here and listen to this. Ummm, I can’t. This witch is actually scaring me. We need her on a plane back to LA ASAP!).
Well, thank you for your time today, and enjoy your stay in Atlanta. We have some very hot men here, I'm sure (you'll be itching to sink your claws into) you'd love to um, meet them.
Julie A. Richman - Bio
Author Julie A. Richman is
a native New Yorker living deep in the heart of Texas. A creative writing major in college, reading
and writing fiction has always been a passion.
Julie began her corporate career in publishing in NYC and writing played
a major role throughout her career as she created and wrote marketing,
advertising, direct mail and fundraising materials for Fortune 500
corporations, advertising agencies and non-profit organizations. She is an award winning nature photographer
plagued with insatiable wanderlust.
Julie and her husband have one son and a white German Shepherd named
Julie on the Web:
Twitter: @juliearichman
Goodreads Author Page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6949287.Julie_A_Richman-->
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