"The Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life" by Michelle Pace and Tammy Coons
5/5 Stars!!!
Wow!! I just read "The Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life" by Michelle Pace and Tammy Coons and I loved it!!! I'm actually sad/bummed its over... I miss the characters already! It's a stand alone book, and to be clear, it has a conclusion & NO cliffhanger... but I would totally watch this as a TV series!
I absolutely loved this book. It's made me laugh, cry, swoon, laugh, shake my head and cry again... one of my crying times was a very "OMG noooo-whhhhy" sad, struck the gut, helpless/hopeless/heart breaking cry. (And the masochistic reader in me loved it) and more swooning/happy moments!
I cannot say how awesome this story line is and how I enjoyed reading the POVs in it. Not many authors can write multiple POVs without confusion but this was smoothly & flawlessly written!
An amazing story of life & choices, getting up when you're knocked down... Finding love & overcoming odds that seem daunting.
When asked who my favorite character would be, I honestly don't know. To me there simply isn't one that I could choose one over the others. I felt each character.... How can I choose one when I felt them all so deeply? I can't. So, they are all my fav's! That is all.
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
Purchase "The Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life" on Amazon at:
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17381698-the-perpetual-quest-for-the-perfect-life?ac=1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleKisnerPace
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichellePaceAndTammyCoons
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6584652.Michelle_Pace
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Michelle-Pace/e/B00AD65TMU/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1363392021&sr=8-1
"Walking Disaster" by Jamie McGuire
I was so lucky to receive an ARC from netgalley of "Walking Disaster" by Jamie McGuire to review for my book blog...

LOVED LOVED LOVED Walking Disaster! Is it even possible to love Travis Maddox more than before? Yes!!! Absolutely!!!
Let me start by saying that when I read Beautiful Disaster... I loved it. I loved Travis, Abby/Pidge, America, Shepley, Travis's Dad & Brothers... There was NOT one thing/character that I didn't love... (Well, Parker... But there has to be an interloper in every story right? And besides that Jamie McGuire wrote Parker very well, I really hated him in the way she intended).
So to say that I've been dying for months for Walking Disaster to be released is a vast understatement...
On to my review: 5/5 Stars
....I freaking loved this book!!!
Walking Disaster was amazing! Yes, it's Beautiful Disaster's story told in Travis's POV, so the same plot & main/major events are there... BUT it doesn't repeat the scenes with Travis & Pidge together verbatim... The words spoken are the same, as any POV book would be, but the thoughts and feelings from Travis's POV are so awesome to experience. Some scenes aren't even in there, instead referencing what happened in a scene that was in Beautiful Disaster.
Walking Disaster was so much more than just a POV book, it has a huge amount of different, yet parallel storyline to it. And there's so much of Travis (& his dad and brothers & Shelpley) that we didn't see in Beautiful Disaster, not to mention, and I know I just said it above, but really experiencing Travis's thoughts and feelings was so amazing! It was an experience too, not just reading words on a page, I laughed, and I cried... Just like I did when I read Beautiful Disaster, it touched my heart and my funny bone... OMG, Shepley? Funny and insightful, if I didn't already think that he was perfect for Mare, I would now for sure. Travis's relationship with his Dad & Brothers, awesome to see that side and have more insight into the Maddox family dynamic.
This is a story about 2 broken people...
Travis, a tattooed, underground fighter who is a incredibly sexy, no-strings attached, one-night stander & Abby, a strong willed young woman, running/hiding from her past, determined to start fresh and not to fall into things like what she left behind. In each other they find an unlikely, yet undeniable, healing and intense love.
With the odds stacked against them, can their friendship and love survive it?
If it were me, in Abby's shoes? I'd definitely say....yes, Travis, I'll take that bet :-) bring it on!
I never thought it would be possible to love these characters & this story more than I did, but I'm telling you... Walking Disaster double sealed the deal for me. My keeper shelf will be patiently and hopefully waiting for the hardback version to sit next to the signed hardback version of Beautiful Disaster... (Hint Hint Jamie McGuire & Atria Books)
And something else that is amazeballs that I'm not saying anything else about...
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
See Jamie on her website at: http://www.jamiemcguire.com
Like Jamie's page on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Jamie.McGuire.Author
Follow Jamie on Twitter: @JamieMcGuire_
Purchase "Walking Disaster" (book 2) by Jamie McGuire from:
Barnes & Noble:
Purchase "Beautiful Disaster" (book 1) by Jamie McGuire from:
Barnes & Noble:
"Love Unscripted" by Tina Reber
5/5 Stars
An aspiring actor, skyrocketed to movie stardom, adorably cute yet mega sexy Ryan Christensen, somehow manages to keep his sweet and humble ways.
Devastatingly hurt and betrayed by the man that was supposed to love and cherish her, Taryn Mitchell has built a rock solid wall around her heart. She spends her time managing the family pub in a little costal town.
She has a small circle of friends that she trusts and loves like her family. She knows she can count on them from working at the pub, to their weekly card game night, they're a secure and comforting constant in her life.
When Hollywood invades Taryn's little peaceful town, and takes over the beaches, and hot movie stars are all over the place, she decides she's not going to get on that bandwagon of chasing fame & one-night stands.
The local women are dressing to the nines on a Wednesday night just hoping to be the one that catches HIS eyes... Of all the sexy movie stars on set, Ryan is the one everyone wants but he's the one that wants no-one.
Movie-star crazed fans chase him, grabbing & ripping his shirt during his attempts to be free of them, he's got harassing paparazzi snapping pictures every minute they can, then, Ryan ducks into a door and his life is forever changed.
Taryn's world has just been turned upside down and she doesn't even see it coming. She tries to hide her heart behind that stone wall, but slowly Ryan keeps chipping away until Taryn cannot deny either of them of what they desire.
What happens when you mix sweet, humble & sexy as hell movie star Ryan Christensen with beautiful but wary, sensible & insecure Taryn Mitchell? Hot steamy sex, excellent cooking, laughs & tears...
But with all the obsessive fans and ruthless paparazzi, insecurities, and the wish for a peaceful life, can love survive?
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
Looking forward to reading book 2 "Love Unrehearsed" by Tina Reber
Mark Love Unscripted as to-read on Goodreads at:
Mark Love Unscripted as to-read on Goodreads at:
Look for "Love Unguarded"... Mike and Marie's story and mark it as to-read on Goodreads at:
Follow Tina's Blog at : http://tinareber.com
Follow Tina on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/authortinareber
Follow Tina on Twitter at: @TinaReber
"Destined To Change" by Lisa M. Harley
5/5 Stars
I was given an ARC of Lisa M. Harley's new book "Destined To Change" with an anticipated release date in Feb 2013...
"Destined To Change"... When your whole life has been planned out for you, and the years follow Destiny's pattern, year by year, month by month, day by day... It's not until the darkest hours that you realize the most important are the minutes by minutes. Loralei Harper learns this life lesson...
When I read Lisa M. Harley's "Destined To Change", I was absolutely gripped by the prologue... I had to have more... I needed to know what happened next...Then chapter 1 rocked my world!!! Lisa took me on a journey of life, love, loss, mistakes, right and wrong choices, healing and forgiveness. She made me laugh and cry and jump up and down with happiness! She made my heart & mind swoon... She introduced me to my favorite BBF, Jaxon Daniels (and he is MINE!) And she made my heart happy... I look forward to reading more of Lisa M. Harley's book's in the future... ❤
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
"Hopeless" by Colleen Hoover
I am totally Hopeless for Holder!
5/5 Stars

Sky & Holder's story is wrought with ups and downs and a strong foundation of love and life's twists... Colleen Hoover wrote an awesome enlightening story and I look forward to reading more books by her :-)
Ok an addition to my review: this is something I said in a thread and want to add it here to as well... (I tend to do that from time to time, I'll post something in a discussion and like my post enough to add it to my review)
I am so blown away with how awesome "Hopeless" was for me... It has literally stolen a piece of my heart... Colleen's writing style is awesome for me, it flows so smoothly. I felt an instant connection with the characters, even the secondary ones. (Love Breckin & Six) I absolutely LOVE Holder and Sky, the banter between them, and their friendship/relationship, and omg the best first kiss without kissing? I have no words for how utterly awesome that was. The way that Holder LIVED & LOVED her... bestill my heart. I would love to read it from Holder's POV, (wink wink Colleen... bahaha) that would be an amazing read. I liked the past/present parts, I thought it fed well to the story and the background story/history. The plot absolutely blew my mind and touched me deeply.
I Live Holder :-)
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
"Lost To You" by AL Jackson
5/5 Stars
Elizabeth at the first meeting with him, knows he is not a distraction that she can enjoy, he's not a risk that she can afford to take with her heart. She sees him for what he's always been... A player, a one-night stander... She can feel that he wants her. But she's worked too hard to get where she is now to fall for his smile. The problem? They both feel a strong attraction the the other.
Christian knows she's not his usual kinda girl, Elizabeth is innocent and sweet... He doesn't understand it, but he knows he wants something more. He's not going to give up. He knew what he wanted, the moment he chanced a glance at her before she even knew of him and frequented his dreams.
After asking her out to dinner, at their initial meeting together, her response is so straight forward and hits the mark perfectly, it made me laugh, but I also felt Christian's defeat/regret at the same time, she "saw" him, and he knew it. I felt that this set the tone for their story, opening them to possibilities.
I loved being able to read from both of their POVs, I feel that gives a better story, two parts of a whole.
This was a heartwarming look at two people, both taking a risk in their own way, on love. I cannot wait to read more of Christian & Elizabeth's story... To see where their lives lead.
As soon as its released on January 31, 2013 go to Amazon and one-click this book... AL Jackson is a phenomenal writer/author & you will feel her stories... Fall in love with Christian Davison
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
"When We Collide" by AL Jackson
5/5 Stars
A chance meeting of two lives crossing the same path. An overwhelming connection... The fierce need to protect. The stark unknown hunger for love.
While reading "When We Collide" by AL Jackson, I felt every word to my core. I experienced the profound love and the debilitating loss. The deep regret and fearful hope of a love that seemed doomed before it even started.
I loved how AL Jackson was able to smoothly keep me in the present time of the story and take me back with William and Maggie's memories of the past. Allowing me to understand what happened, to see their love grow from that initial meeting into the deep rooted, undeniable bond that held tight to both of their hearts and souls. Showing me what Maggie went through, to see why these painfully regretted choices had been made.
Both drawn to the other... An unexplainable confusing connection that fate would not allow to be changed.
So much stolen time secreted away, building and learning to trust, revealing painful secrets harbored for so long.
I highly recommend reading "When We Collide" by AL Jackson. This story touches on domestic violence, and both adult & child abuse situations. Of finding self worth and the love and courage to conquer it all.
Finally taken from the last pages of her book, AL Jackson reaches out to those in need, if you need help, please call: Child Help at 1-800-422-4453 or The National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233
I'd like to thank AL Jackson for writing such a beautifully written love story, and thus helping bring awareness & encouragement to others of these unacceptable life situations that no matter the lies told and denial believed, exist and can be changed.
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
"Taking Chances" by Molly McAdams
5/5 Stars
Molly McAdams wrote a Painfully Beautiful story of Life, Love, Happiness, Laughter, Loss and Healing.

I read "Taking Chances" by Molly McAdams the first time a few months ago in October, I re-read it later in November with my MIL and loved it even more than the first time, which I never thought possible.
It was a beautiful story (I'll probably get blasted for this next bit, but here it goes) I think that Chase's story had to play out the way it did for the story to be as painfully beautiful as it was. Had that not all happened, it would've been just another great love triangle... But it's not and Molly McAdams did a very brave and painful thing... And with that courage she created a story that is one of a kind with a full scope of emotions and practical "life's not fair" but it is the way life is & a heartwarming/gut wrenching/heart breaking fulfilling story.
When an author can make me laugh out loud and cry and smile and feel so connected with the characters (even the supporting characters) that it feels wrong to refer to them as characters and not people because they feel so damn real, is a great book.
This book absolutely changed the way I look at life. I am enriched from it and still months later rocked to my core about this story. I honestly don't know how I survived reading it twice... But I did and I have every intention on reading it again and probably again <3
I sincerely thank Molly McAdams for writing this painfully beautiful story of Life, Love, Happiness, Laughter, Loss and Healing...
I look forward to "Stealing Harper" (Chase's POV)
Review by: Stacy Bailey Darnell/Literary Mania Reviews
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